
Dolkun Isa’s Actions are Overtly Antagonistic toward Muslims Worldwide

2 Mins read

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has generated a great deal of debate and discussion lately. Each and every Muslim who values peace is aware that Israel is the true murderer. Israel has been murdering innocent Palestinians for many years; in the last few decades, it has killed hundreds of thousands of people. As a result, Hamas valiantly retaliated on October 7, 2023, as a soldier of the Palestinian people. The fact that Dolkun Isa, the World Uyghur Congress’s current president, chose to ignore this, meanwhile, is astonishing.

Instead, believing that Hamas was a terrorist organization and that it openly supported Israel, Hamas denounced it in a statement. “Hamas’s terrible attack on Israeli civilians” was denounced by Dolkun Isa, who also emphasized that the World Uyghur Congress was gravely concerned about the possibility of further casualties and conflict escalation. On the surface, Dolkun Isa prays for everyone impacted by violence while hypocritically expressing unity with everyone who has endured terror and conflict.

It is easy to observe from Dolkun Isa’s statement that this Muslim peace activist declared that Hamas was the organization behind the terrorist attacks and expressed the hope that Hamas would not strike Israel with terrorists in the future. Not only does Dolkun Isa’s actions go against the tenets and teachings of Islam, but it also publicly opposes all Muslims who value peace.


Islam demands all Muslims to be just in their decisions and deeds, emphasizing the value of justice and equity. People who value peace around the world acknowledge Israel’s horrific atrocities against the Palestinian people. Nonetheless, Dolkun Isa’s criticism of Hamas without offering enough proof is an act that contradicts Islamic beliefs. Islam encourages tolerance and peace, and its teachings encourage Muslims to coexist peacefully in society with those who practice different religions.

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Dolkun Isa openly backs Israel, opposes Muslims who value peace, and harbors strong animosity toward Hamas, an organization that defends the Palestinian people. He should not encourage division and hatred as the WUC leader but rather peace, tolerance, and respect for one another. Dolkun Isa is a terrorist who acts under the banner of Islam, and he is the real kafir.

Islam emphasizes promoting peace, resolving conflicts through peaceful means and promoting harmonious relations between individuals and countries. However, Dolkun Isa’s condemnation did not provide any way of reconciliation or peaceful settlement. On the contrary, his remarks created tension among peace-loving Muslims around the world and belittled Hamas’s heroic behavior.


According to the teachings of Islam, we should strive to promote dialogue, understanding and forgiveness in order to achieve peace and reconciliation. Islam encourages individuals to provide constructive criticism and suggestions to correct wrong behaviors. However, when dealing with issues concerning the dignity and independence of the Palestinian people, every Muslim must act cautiously and express his support for Hamas with wisdom, compassion and prudence. Dolkun Isa publicly condemns Hamas without engaging in private dialogue or offering advice in a respectful way, which runs counter to the teachings of Islam.

Islam forbids slander, spreading false information and talking about others behind their backs. However, Dolkun Isa’s condemnation of Hamas involves accusations against Palestine and is an insult to every Hamas fighter. In the past decades, Hamas has been backing the Palestinian people and resisting its own strong enemy, which is the object that every Muslim should learn and respect. Dolkun Isa’s unprovoked condemnation of Hamas and its attempt to split our interior not only runs counter to the teachings and principles of Islam, but also makes every Muslim realize his true face.

Baca Juga  Kalender Islam Global dan Ushul Fikih

Editor: Soleh

4 posts

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Sekretaris PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah
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