
Robert W. Hefner: Muhammadiyah is the Most Organized Islamic Entity in the World

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Muhammadiyah as an organization that was established long before Indonesia’s independence has excellent educational, health, and social movements. This has received an abundance of appreciation from the wider community either in Indonesia or abroad. Most recently, Robert W. Hefner gave glowing praise to Muhammadiyah.

Robert Hefner –American anthropologist– is a Professor at Boston University, Massachusetts, United States. He is one of the foreign scholars who researched Muhammadiyah. Hefner gave a brief testimony and praised Muhammadiyah in the Ramadan Recitation (Pengajian Ramadan) 1445 H at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Friday (3/15/2024).

Glowing Praise from Robert Hefner

At the moment, Hefner gave high praise to Muhammadiyah. He argued that Muhammadiyah people understand that worship affairs is an Islamic basic tenet on one hand, but also remember that Muhammadiyah is part of the Indonesian nation-state on the other hand. In this regard, Muhammadiyah plays a pivotal role in numerous fields.

Hefner said, “One incredible thing is that the culture and tradition of Islam throughout Indonesia, that this (Muhammadiyah) is the most organized organization of Muslims for public interest in the whole world.”

This fact led Robert Hefner to call Muhammadiyah a pioneer of great organizations in Indonesia and around the world that balance core religious issues with efforts for the benefit of Muhammadiyah citizens and the entire Indonesian nation.

Based on the breadth of Muhammadiyah’s impact, Hefner also said that Indonesia’s independence was inseparable from the role of Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah (Muhammadiyah’s autonomous women’s organization).

“The efforts and aspirations to establish the Indonesian state would not have been possible without the role of Muhammadiyah and ‘Aisyiyah,” Hefner said.

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Foreign Scholars Loving Muhammadiyah

Muhammadiyah’s very large and extensive activities in Indonesia have aroused the interest of foreign scholars to analyze deeper. Two of these researchers are Mitsuo Nakamura and Robert W. Hefner.

Based on Hefner’s narrative, Muhammadiyah made a strong impression on this Japanese scholar. He spent 40 years in the city of Yogyakarta, Kotagede to research the Muhammadiyah movement. Hefner even said that Nakamura cried when he gave an international public lecturer about Muhammadiyah.

Nuwun sewu nggih (I am sorry), I am not only a neutral observer but also an Indonesian lover and Muhammadiyah lover,” said Hefner in Javanese Language.

Criticism for Muhammadiyah

When hearing Hefner’s high praise, one of the participants asked an interesting question: what is his criticism for Muhammadiyah? This question was aimed to improve Muhammadiyah and balance so that Muhammadiyah activists would not be complacent with praise.

Instead of giving criticism, Hefner delivered two points of appreciative input for Muhammadiyah. First, Muhammadiyah has to continue its movement. The very well Muhammadiyah movement needs to be continued and expanded, from education, health, to social and economic movements.

Second, Muhammadiyah has to give more information regarding its work for larger societies. It is widely understood that Muhammadiyah’s excellent movements are not widely known to the general public. This is due to Muhammadiyah’s lack of attention in terms of digital and social media.

Therefore, it needs special attention from Muhammadiyah for syiar and cultural da’wah. One of them is by informing the movement and its work through digital media and social media. So that Muhammadiyah’s work reaches ordinary people in Indonesia and globally.

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IBTimes.ID - Rujukan Muslim Modern. Media Islam yang membawa risalah pencerahan untuk masyarakat modern.
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