
‘Aisyiyah Women: The Messages of Sidang Tanwir

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‘Aisyiyah, one of the most outstanding Indonesian Muslim women organization, is currently organizing its national meeting named Sidang Tanwir (Enlightening Meeting), second rank only from the highest congress the Muktamar. The Sidang Tanwir lasts from 16-18 November 2019, and takes place at Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (UNISA), the first and only university in Indonesia developed and managed by a Muslim women organization. Apart from being attended by representatives of ‘Aisyiyah members from all parts of the country, the Sidang Tanwir also invites relevant Indonesian Ministers, e.g. Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture, Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Middle-sized Enterprises), leaders of various women’s organizations, mass-based Islamic organizations, Rectors of Muhammadiyah universities around the area, local and national relevant government officers as well as other organization’s partners.

The Messages of Sidang Tanwir

Current Sidang Tanwir is focusing on a theme “Dynamizing the Movement, Spreading Progressive Islam”, thus it addresses various issues encountered by the nation, from health problems, stunting, marriages of minors, childhood education, ‘sakinah’ family, character building, violence, extremism and others.

Siti Noordjannah Djohantini, the Chair of ‘Aisyiyah National Board in her opening remarks, highlights the joy and dream of being ‘Aisyiyah by explaining that the Sidang Tanwir is attended by more than 300 members, representing 34 provincial leadership of ‘Aisyiyah in accordance to the quotas agreed upon. ‘Aisyiyah also celebrates its centennial anniversary of the service through Taman Kanak-kanak ‘Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (widely known as TK ABA). As early as 1919 ‘Aisyiyah had seen the importance of character education in early childhood, thus it began developing kindergarten. According the Chair, quoting the former Minister of Education and Culture, ‘Aisyiyah has contributed about 25% of early childhood education in Indonesia.

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The Chair also reminds all members that progressive religiosity promoted by ‘Aisyiyah, means that all its programmatic activities must address the current needs and interests of our communities, thus ‘Aisyiyah must strengthen its grassroot engagements and connections. ‘Aisyiyah must work, cooperate with partners smarter and strategically to end violence. She considers violence might be ignited by various factors, such as unequal economic structures, discrimination, inequal partnership in marriages, political ideology and extreme religiosity.

With deep gratitude the Chair especially recognizes the contributions of all teachers in ‘Aisyiyah schools, from kindergarten to universities, past and present, for all their sincere struggles in cultivating the souls, mind and bodies of Indonesian children and youth.

Aside from serious talks and discussions, the Sidang Tanwir also presents cultural and arts performances, such as choir from UNISA students, dances from Aceh and contemporary choreography; bazaars where members of ‘Aisyiyah showcase, introduce and sells their products, and documentary exhibition. All these characterise the vernacular Islam as understood by ‘Aisyiyah, thus strengthen the middle path or moderation position in religiosity and citizenship.

On Becoming ‘Aisyiyah

Looking at what have been done by these ‘Aisyiyah women past and present for more than one hundred years, it brings me wonders what make this ‘Aisyiyah organization not only stays to exist but strives with many more new initiatives across the archipelago. What does it mean to be an ‘Aisyiyah? Why do they love becoming an ‘Aisyiyah?

The fact that ‘Aisyiyah has successfully stood gracefully against the trials of different eras, from the Dutch colonial rule, Japan imperialism, to different political orders of Indonesian, shows that it must have special quality that attract deeply the loyalty, souls and hearts of millions of women since its inception in 1917 to 2019.

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During the early part of Sidang Tanwir, I interviewed few members, here are some empirical examples why they love to become ‘Aisyiyah. A representative from Semarang, Central Java, Ummul Baroroh, a faculty at UIN Walisongo Semarang, said, “Apart from continuing family tradition, I personally like being in ‘Aisyiyah because its members are good hearted, never been greedy to look for money from government. ‘Aisyiyah is independent in organizing its various programs: in health, education, culture, and art, such as in cultivating local batiks, local and Islamic songs. It covers many activities, so everyone can be involved in, no matter of your educational level, or wealth”

Nikma Zaita, a mother of one child from  Bandung admits that her involvement to ‘Aisyiyah was first motivated to sustain her mother’s social activism in ‘Aisyiyah,  “I first sustain the footstep of my mother, when I got involved I like the activities very much, that I commit myself to become pengurus (committee) in ‘Aisyiyah’s branches. We do many activities for serving communities, learning session, also in health area we address to eradicate tuberculosis. We also develop a program on public speaking for women so that they might be able to converse and deliver messages in public. We find there are a lot of women who got anxious when asked to speak in public. It is important that women who are active in ‘Aisyiyah be able to speak calmly in public.”

Islamiyatur Rohmah, a faculty at UNISA, a mother of three children acknowledges that her attraction to ‘Aisyiyah started unconsciously since her early age “I was educated in TK ABA, then to Muhammadiyah primary and secondary schools. It gives me satisfaction and tranquillity by being active in ‘Aisyiyah, serving God by serving people and nature, to pave the way for my life in the Here After. Sincerity in ‘Aisyiyah/Muhammadiyah has been great, the motto of ‘hidup-hidupilah Muhammadiyah, jangan mencari hidup di Muhammadiyah’ (Make Muhammadiyah alive, don’t look for life in Muhammadiyah)’ is deeply rooted…”

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Another ‘Aisyiyah member originating from Padang, Witriani, a mother of two, who obtains her doctorate degree from the Inter-religious Studies Program, confessed “ I feel ’Aisyiyah is a right place for long life learning, spending in life with great women, dedicated, sincere and loyal”.

Meanwhile Ailmatul Qibtiyah, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, an alumni of the University of Western Australia, states “Ethical values being promoted in ‘Aisyiyah just fit my own conviction; the way it develops its way of thinking (manhaj) and the implementation of its ijtihad in empirical behaviour (amaliyah) suit my vision.”

Dwi Indah, a lecturer at UNISA, mother of 3 children, mentions becoming ‘Aisyiyah “is a way of servicing God, by giving….giving brings happiness, and peace. Giving our time, our attention, uor resources, brilliant ideas for solving problems encountered by our communities…including giving money. As such is the anchor of happy life”

From few interviews above it seem that becoming ‘Aisyiyah means a lot, and differently from one to another. However, there are nuances of finding having balanced life, as explained by those ladies; a balance between personal quest and social harmony and happiness, between Godly services and humanly activities, between Islamic values and vernacularity. Happy Sidang Tanwir ‘Aisyiyah!

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Dosen di UIN Sunan Kalijaga I LPPA Pimpinan Pusat ‘Aisyiyah
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